Our company’s efforts have been published in “DESIGNER’S FILE 2018”, a yearbook which introduces designers who apply their trade both in Japan and overseas. 国内外で活躍するデザイナーを紹介する年鑑「DESIGNER’S FILE 2018」に、私たちの取り組みが掲載されました。

国内外で活躍するデザイナーを紹介する年鑑「DESIGNER’S FILE 2018」に、弊社の取り組みが掲載されました。全国の書店・AMAZON等のWEBショップにて販売中です。【詳細はこちらをクリック】

Our company’s efforts have been published in “DESIGNER’S FILE 2018”, a yearbook which introduces designers who apply their trade both in Japan and overseas. It is currently on sale at bookstores throughout Japan and online on sites such as Amazon.【More details can be found here.】